Standard Rules
Leaders and Combat A lot of people have a lot of trouble with leaders not advancing or retreating with their combat units. OK, you got it! Change whole last paragraph to: After combat, leaders may advance or retreat with combat units.
Under Tracing Command, item number one should read "terrain prohibited to movement."
When Napoleon acts as the Officer for the Imperial Guard, his Command Radius is four.
French Imperial Guard: Clarification - If the French Imperial Guard hasn't been committed in combat, but is attacked by the Austrians, the French player still must lose the requisite victory points. In addition, if in that attack, the infantry units of the Guard are forced to retreat, it will trigger the reduction in the demoralization levels.
Lobau Island Bridges Leaders count as "units" when crossing bridges and must roll for crossing, as well as counting against the six unit per bridge limit.
Combat In computing the combat odds ratio, round down in favor of the defender.
Artillery The reference to "bombardment modifiers" should be "terrain modifiers"; there are no bombardment modifiers.
Artillery may not bombard at combat odds lower than 1-4 or higher than 5-1. The Artillery Bombardment Section of the CRT displays the allowable odds ratios available to bombarding artillery.
Line of Sight (LOS): The LOS illustration is correct; the written explanation is incorrect. Everything is true except for the following - If one of the units occupies an elevated hex, the LOS is not blocked unless the LOS crosses a steep slope hexside that is part of the lower level hex. Crest hexsides block all bombardment even if part of the bombarding or defending hex. LOS is not blocked if a straight line between the centers of the bombarding and target hexes is congruent to a crest hexside; LOS is blocked only if both hexes adjacent to the straight line are blocking terrain.
How to Record Corps Losses When units are reorganized and returned to the map, their reduced strength is subtracted from their formation's casualty level. When a unit reorganizes on-map, the difference between the two strengths is deducted from the Corps' casualty level.
Reinforcements The Austrian III Corps normally arrives on Game-Turn 15; however, if a French unit crosses the V Corps Trigger Line 1 before turn 15, the Austrian player may bring in the III Corps on the next turn.
Night Game-Turns All disrupted units automatically undisrupt at the end of the Game-Turn Record Interphase.
Scenario I
Victory Point Schedule: Change the whole second bullet - · Both the French and the Austrian Player receive five victory points for being the last to occupy the following towns: Kagran, Sussenbrun, Aderklaa (both hexes) and Glinzendorf (both hexes); a total of 20 VPs.
Archduke Charles die roll modifiers: Change - · A French unit is within eighteen hexes of Charles ...
Archduke Charles dir roll modifiers: Additions - · A French unit has crossed V Corps Trigger Line 1.
· It is Game-Turn 6 or later.
French Crossing of the Russbach Brook Last sentence should read: Once all of the units of a corps or any French Officer...
French Movement Restrictions French units may not use Grand Tactical Movement prior to Game-Turn 12.
Austrian Set-up The set up for Klenau, VI Corps officer, is incorrect and should read: . . .with any unit of VI Corps.
Scenario II
Initial Losses: the intent is as follows - The die roll is one die per Corps. The Austrian VI Corps losses may not be higher than the French IV Corps losses. The Austrian Advance Guard losses may not be higher than the French III Corps losses. The CSPs are removed from the units on the map and players may apportion losses in any manner they choose. All these losses are recorded.
Victory Point Schedule: Addition - ·The Austrian Player receives five victory points for each demoralized French Corps at the end of the scenario.
Optional Rules
Combined Arms Cavalry units used for a Combined Arms shift may not use their Morale value to modify combat. Cavalry units attacking across a Stream or a bridged Russbach Stream hexside do not receive the Combined Arms shift.
Combined Arms and Cavalry Charge option may not be used in the same combat. Note: Players may want to agree at the start of the game to use either Combined Arms or Cavalry Charge for the entire game.
Leader Initiative Subtract 1 from the die roll if a unit of the attempting Officer's Corps is in an enemy ZOC.
Optional V Corps Entry Change: The Austrian Player loses one VP for each unit of V Corps committed plus...
Combat Results Option Attacking units which retreat may choose to apply an A1 instead of disrupting after retreating (the loss is for the whole attacking group, not per unit).
Players Variations
Optional Army of Inner Austria Arrival Had Archduke John been more responsive to his brother's urgent pleas for help, it is quite likely that he could have arrived on the scene much earlier than he did. The following rule reflects this somewhat fanciful "what if".
Starting on turn 8 and ending on turn 12, the Austrian player may attempt an early arrival of the Army of Inner Austria. These attempts are made on the even Game-Turns only (a total of three attempts) and the same rules for entry apply as in the regular reinforcement rules. If the attempts fail, the Austrian Player may try again starting on turn 20; however, he may do so only on the even Game-Turns (No attempt is allowed on turns 21, 23 and 25).
Bernadotte's Intransigence Marshal Bernadotte's performance at Wagram was so poor it cost him his Marshal's baton. His abandonment of Aderklaa at a critical juncture caused additional casualties later in the battle and allowed the Austrians greater flexibility than Napoleon wanted. To reflect this poor performance, use the following rules:
Each time IX Corps is placed in command by Napoleon, the French player rolls one die to see if Bernadotte "receives" the command. On a die roll of six, Bernadotte's IX Corps acts as if it was not placed in command for that turn, even though the Command Point was given by Napoleon. This Command Point is considered "spent" and may not be reassigned to another Corps.
If Bernadotte's IX Corps becomes demoralized, roll one die to determine if Bernadotte is removed from command. On a die roll of one through three, Bernadotte is immediately removed from play and units from his command can only be commanded directly by either Napoleon or Eugene (after spending the appropriate command points). On a result of four, five or six, consider Bernadotte to have a -1 Command Bonus (subtract one from the die roll if the Saxons rout or disappear). This gives him a three hex radius from Napoleon in order to be in command. When Bernadotte attempts to rally units, add one to the die roll in addition to any other modifiers.
Macdonald's Baton General Macdonald had, for all intents and purposes, achieved Marshal status prior to his solid performance at Wagram. To reflect this ability, use the following rule:
Keep track of the number of favorable combat results of units under Macdonald's command. If units under his command enjoy three positive results (any result which causes an Austrian unit to retreat, lose CSP's or both) in one Game-Turn, General Macdonald is promoted to Marshal Macdonald with a Command Bonus of +1. This promotion takes effect immediately and the bonus may be used for any and all subsequent situations.
Map & Counters
Nationality Key The black color should be labeled Bavarian not Prussian. The German units are, more specifically, Hessian-Darmstadt.
Demoralization Chart Austrian III Corps Demoralization Level is 16 not 36.
Austrian Counters Some of the Austrian units have a higher Morale Rating on their reduced side. These counters are correctly marked.
Some infantry brigades had Landwehr units attached to them at the last moment to augment their strength; however, their usefulness was minimal and their presence may have had some influence on overall effectiveness. It is presumed they would be the first to leave after a brigade is eliminated and not be available for the reorganization.
Special thanks to John Hodgeson and John Leggat for their assistance and suggestions. `"$k