Sequence of Play
[3.2] Game-Turn Sequence Outline
Each Game-Turn must proceed exactly as described in the following
A. Weather Segment: The Allied player rolls for the Weather for the next turn and reveals the weather for this turn. The Allied player then rolls for the Sea Conditions and moves the markers to the appropriate box on the Weather and Sea Condition display.
B. Allied Air Segment: The Allied Player determines how many Air Points he will receive for this Turn and allocates these Air Points to Interdiction and Ground Support.
A. Corps and Artillery Support Segment: The Allied player determines artillery and corps Support Levels and allowcations for each army. The German player allocates Support Points to those corps that will be supported for the game-turn (10.12A and 10.43). Both players may also re-supply as many reduced artillery units they wish to.
B. Operation Determination/Support Segment: Both the Allied and German players declare if an Operation will be initiated this turn (Allied always declaring first) and/or which, if any, current ones will continue. If none, then this segment is skipped. If so, the players declare which HQs will be in an operation and flips the HQ unit to its Operation side (Allied only). If the German player declares an Operation he may change the Player-Turn order to become the first Player-Turn (see 12.24). The Allied Player announces if he will conduct a carpet bomb attack and places the Air Units in the target hexes.
C. Army Support Segment: The Allied player determines how many support points he will receive for each army (per 10.11B), and adds them to the each army's Reserve Support Point total. The German player determines how many Support Points he will receive for the turn and distributes them to his armies (see 10.12).
D. Supply Segment: Both players determine the supply status of all their units on the map. Units are determined to be either In Supply, Out of Supply or Isolated. The supply status determined in this phase is in effect until the next Mutual Supply Determination Phase.
1. Replacement Phase
The Allied Player determines how many replacement points he receives
this turn. He then may add replacement points to any reduced eligible
units as per the Replacement rules. The Allied Player may change
the Inter-Army Boundary at this time.
2. Movement Phase
A. Tactical Movement Segment: The Allied player may move any or all of his eligible units by using tactical movement. Units that will move in the Reserve Movement Segment must be marked with a Reserve Marker and have limited movement during this phase (12.4). Only units of a Corps in an Operation may be placed in Reserve.
B. Strategic Movement Segment: The Allied player may now move the remainder of his units by using strategic movement. Units marked with a Reserve Marker may not move during this segment.
C. Carpet Bombing Resolution Segment (Allied Operation): The Carpet Bombing Mission must be resolved at this time.
3. Combat Phase
A. Combat Segment: Allied units must attack all adjacent German units as per the normal rules for combat. Units in certain types of terrain may be exempt from mandatory combat. A combat ratio is determined for each attack, modifiers are applied and two dice are rolled. The combat result is determined from the Combat Results Table and Attritional Losses. Step losses, disorganization, retreats and advances are performed.
B. Reserve Movement Segment: Any unit marked with a Reserve Marker may now move up to 2/3 its printed movement allowance. Reserve units that moved may attack adjacent enemy units and must attack all eligible enemy units as required by the normal rules for combat.Combat Rules
4. Engineering Phase
The Allied Player may flip any construction markers to their Improved
Positions sides. He may now place new Improved Positions markers
face down on their construction side. The Allied player may remove
bridge construction markers restoring the bridge in the hexside
and place new bridge construction markers on destroyed bridge
5. Allied Air Interdiction Phase
The Allied Player may use Air Points to conduct Targeted Air Interdiction
on specific hexes (15.4).
6. Disorganization/Regroup Phase (Both Players)
The Phasing (Allied) Player returns to normal all units with a
Regroup marker on them by removing the marker. The non-Phasing
(German) Player may regroup any disorganized unit(s) by flipping
the Disorganized marker to its Regroup side.
1. Replacement Phase
Same as in the Allied Player-Turn.
2. Air Interdiction Determination Phase
The Allied Player determines the effects of Air Interdiction on
German movement for the upcoming German Movement Phase as per
the Air Interdiction rules (15.4).
3. Movement Phase
Same as in the Allied Player-Turn except the German units move.
German movement may be affected by Allied Air Interdiction.
4. Combat Phase
Same as in the Allied Player-Turn except the German units attack.
5. Engineering Phase
Same as in the Allied Player-Turn except that the German player
may build Entrenchments.
5. Disorganization/Regroup Phase (Both Players)
The Phasing (German) Player returns to normal all units with a
Regroup marker on them by removing the marker. The non-Phasing
(Allied) Player may regroup any disorganized unit(s) by flipping
the Disorganized marker to its Regroup side.
A. Victory Point Segment: Both players record any victory points (positive or negative) due to them and adds them to their Victory Point Tracks. On every fourth Game-Turn (indicated by a shaded space on the Turn Record Track) the Allied player determines the number of city hexes that are Allied-controlled and adds this number to his Victory Point total. The German player determines if he will (or must) declare Withdrawal from Normandy.
B. Game-Turn Indication Segment: The Game-Turn Marker is advanced on the Game-Turn Record Track to indicate the end of this Game-Turn beginning of a new Game-Turn.